Wednesday, 16 November 2016

My Film Title

Brief Synopsis:
A psychological thriller film set in a small village. When a young woman goes missing within this reclusive community, her sister begins receiving messages from her possible kidnapper. Unable to contact the police, she must play along with this kidnapper's mind games if it means finding her sister unharmed.

Film Titles:
A good film title is short and snappy so it is easily eye-catching on a poster and also sticks inside the viewer's head. Based on my synopsis, these are the titles of psychological thriller films with similar storylines:
- The Vanishing
- Gone Girl
- The Conspiracy
- Prisoners
- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

All of these are short and to the point, they immediately give the viewer an idea of what the film is about. It should also be related to the genre of the film. Films like 'Saw' and 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' hint to blood and violence therefore are instantly recognisable as horror. My title must hint towards the mind or my synopsis about a missing person. Most film titles are around the central conflict of the film. 'The Vanishing' instantly tells us that the main conflict is a person going missing whereas 'Gone Girl' narrows this further by telling the audience a girl has gone missing. 'Prisoners' has a different effect because the centre of the plot is more about the father of one of the missing girls taking prisoner one of the suspects rather than finding the two girls that have gone missing.

Because a film title is very important and effects how the films comes across to the audience and how the marketing material will look, I will instead come up with a number of titles and then allow my target audience to choose the most effective one in my target audience questionnaire. These titles will be thought of based on my plot and genre, I will also be researching these titles to make sure no major films have the same title as that would cause problems for people looking to watch my film as they may get the two films confused.

My Film Title Ideas:
- Mind Games
- The Missing
- Pieces
- Finding Alice
- Breaking Down
- Wicked Games

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