Friday 17 June 2016

Trailer and Recut Analysis (The Shining) -Preliminary Preparation-

The Shining Original Trailer

The Shining Recut Trailer (Family Film)

Original Trailer Analysis

Faded Transitioning is used during ariel shots of the hotel (the film's main setting) to give the trailer an eerie feel to it as the voice over covers the storyline of the film. The establishing shots of the hotel show the isolated setting this film will have and opens up the film's main focus of 'cabin fever'. Towards the end of the trailer, it starts cutting more until the ending consists of a montage of various horrific things happening within the film such as the main character carrying an axe and chasing people around the hotel. A jump cut is also used on a close up of the main character's face as he stares out of a window, emphasising on the fact that he's losing his mind. As the trailer reaches the end, the cuts begin to get faster and it shows the more horrific scenes of the film to make the trailer gradually get more intense. 

Non-Diegetic Sound
There is a voice over towards the start of the trailer which is actually part of a conversation within the movie (a sound bridge). This establishes the storyline of the film and shows it to be about a caretaker who attempts to murder his family. Along with this is deep and dark sound effects to go along with the voice over as clips of the hotel are shown. This introduces the hotel as an eerie and disturbing place and prepares the audience for the potential happenings that will go on there. The music goes up at the scene of the main character, Jack, hitting a door with an axe as the voice over reveals the previous caretaker murdered his entire family. But the music comes to a sudden stop when the main character reveals that it won't happen to him, telling the audience that this is not actually true. 

Another voice happens over the fast cutting of various horrifying incidents happening at the hotel such as Jack's wife fleeing with a knife in hand and Jack appearing with a murderous look on his face. The voice over is sad and gloomy, stating the family must 'deal with this matter in the harshest and most possible way' showing that they really are doomed at the hotel. The inclusion of Jack's family such as his wife and son also makes us fear for their safety and want to watch the film to see if they make it out alive. On top of the faster cuts towards the end of the trailer is the sound of church bells which adds more urgency to the clips as church bells often signify the passing of time. At the very end, when the trailer suddenly cuts away from the title and to Jack's laughing face, there is a sudden jump noise as he smashes the axe through the door, possibly making the audience jump in shock and give them a taster of how scary the film is.

When it is revealed that a previous caretaker went insane at the hotel, and a scene of Jack breaking down a door with an axe is shown, a light flash transition is used to make this scene more shocking and surprising. 

The text used for the subtitle cards is plain and in bold capitals which doesn't give away the traditional horror feeling to a trailer but does make the film feel very serious and disturbing. After this, there are repetitive drum noises with every cut of scene which makes them more jumpy and intense for the audience. Another light flash transition is used when there is a closeup on the young boy on the tricycle as he stares at something off camera, showing that he is staring at something horrifying. 

Recut Trailer Analysis

The cuts are slow-paced and patient, showing this film is not as intense as the original trailer. 

Non-Diegetic Sound
A light-hearted score is included to keep the tone of the film upbeat and silly. The voice over included is also jolly sounding and includes the traditional comedy style voice over intros of 'meet the character' which introduces these silly characters as the main centre of the comedy. This contrasts to the deep gloomy voice used in the original trailer which starts off with an intro to the horrific incidents which will happen in the film. Also unlike the official trailer, this voice over is not a part of the film but is actually a separately hired narrator here to introduce the film. An emotional soundtrack is used during the part where Danny meets Jack to make this moment more emotional. After they meet, a jolly soundtrack is used to make the film seem really upbeat.

A wipe transition is used in between some cuts which is an unprofessional effect but adds to the silly theme of the film. Faded transitioning is used during the emotional part where Danny meets Jack which shows this is overall a heartwarming film, the faded transitioning gives this moment a slower effect to emphasise its importance to the plot. The text used to introduce the title of the film is both upper and lower case to give it a softer and less demanding effect than the one used in the official trailer.

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