Thursday 8 December 2016

Filming Plan (Notes)

Images Used in Other Shots (Must be Done Before Anything Else)

At School (Daytime)
  • Shot 2 - Image of victim to put on missing poster (drama studio).
  • Shot 5 - Image of victim and protagonist (school field).
  • Shot 13 - Video of victim reading out kidnap terms (drama studio).
  • Shot 13 Onwards - Voice recording of victim reading out terms.
Whilst out with Chloe and Michael (Daytime)
  • Image of victim in a bedroom window (unknown).

Home Shots

  • Shot 5 - Close-up of framed photograph of victim and protagonist (living room).
  • Shot 15 - Bloodied hand clutching brick wall (garden).
  • Shot 21 - Surveillance image of victim in bedroom window on table (living room).
Night time
  • Shot 6 - Protagonist watching television (living room).
  • Shots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 - Protagonist receiving text messages (living room).
  • Shot 14 - Protagonist shining light into dark room (living room).
  • Shot 19 - Protagonist looking under bed (bedroom).
  • Shot 23 - Protagonist walking through corridor (hallway).
  • Shot 24 - Bloodied hand print on bathtub (bathroom/hallway).

School Shots (Daytime)

Alone (With Someone to Work the Camera)
  • Protagonist throwing papers off table (classroom).
With Sam
  • Shot 4 - Protagonist looking at vandalised church window (school footpath).
  • Shots 16, 17 - Protagonist looking through fence and seeing kidnapper (astro turf).

Brigstock Shots (Daytime)
  • Shot 1 - Establishing shot of church (Church St.)
  • Shot 2 - Missing poster on telephone pole (Hall Hill).
  • Shot 3 - Church window being vandalised (church path).

Whilst Out with Sam (Daytime)
  • Shot 18 - Search party going through woods with dogs (Brigsrock Country Park).
  • Shot 22 - Kidnapper walking down garden path (Sam's house).

From this I can see there will be up to 8 days of filming. After summarising my shots and locations, I can now go on to creating my action plan.

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